Nina Case study - New silver and black diamond ring
Nina talks about a ring Karina made for her father.
"My Dad used to deal in antiques, so is perfectly happy when it comes to jewellery. In the past he had a gold ring that he really liked but it wore so thin that one day it just dropped off. He had always hoped to find something similar, but through the years nothing turned up.
"I know Karina personally, so suggested he visited her to see what she could do. He described the ring to her and Karina worked at the design until she got it exactly right. We had to do it that way because he didn't have any old photographs of him wearing it. And then she really impressed him by asking if there was anything she could do to improve it. He likes black, so Karina used [1.75ct.] black diamonds, balanced with Silver, making the ring the colour of his choice, even better than he had hoped for.
"By using black diamonds it actually brought the cost down. It turned out better than he thought was possible and he wears the ring all the time now."
If you have a lost or broken item of jewellery you would like replaced, please contact Karina.
"My Dad used to deal in antiques, so is perfectly happy when it comes to jewellery. In the past he had a gold ring that he really liked but it wore so thin that one day it just dropped off. He had always hoped to find something similar, but through the years nothing turned up.
"I know Karina personally, so suggested he visited her to see what she could do. He described the ring to her and Karina worked at the design until she got it exactly right. We had to do it that way because he didn't have any old photographs of him wearing it. And then she really impressed him by asking if there was anything she could do to improve it. He likes black, so Karina used [1.75ct.] black diamonds, balanced with Silver, making the ring the colour of his choice, even better than he had hoped for.
"By using black diamonds it actually brought the cost down. It turned out better than he thought was possible and he wears the ring all the time now."
If you have a lost or broken item of jewellery you would like replaced, please contact Karina.